Posts by Jim Semlyen

Portfolio update: bespoke WordPress development

Examples from our portfolio demonstrate some of the ways in which Castlegate IT has used WordPress development to enhance websites or design them from scratch.

by Jim Semlyen 10 Apr 2014

Portfolio update: web application development

Web apps allow websites to perform functions which go far beyond the simple presentation of information. The following projects from our portfolio demonstrate how web applications can enhance a website, improve user experience and even change the way in which a business operates for the better.

by Jim Semlyen 26 Mar 2014

Responsive design for ecommerce: Boxing Day 2013’s mobile sales prove the value

We asked local journalist Pete Wise to investigate the impact of mobile devices on e-commerce over Christmas Day 2013. Are buying habits changing, what’s the long term trend and with more consumers shopping online with mobile devices, what should websites be doing differently?

by Jim Semlyen 5 Mar 2014

The Campaign Monitor email editor

A well maintained mailing list sending relevant emails to clients or prospects can be a great addition to any business. There are many services out there to help manage the design and sending of email campaigns. In this article I’ll be looking at Campaign Monitor and their new and improved email editor.

by Jim Semlyen 3 Dec 2012

A new site for Royal Fireworks Press

Royal Fireworks Press is an long-established publisher of books for gifted children over the pond in the USA. We built a site for them way back in the day, which by now was starting to look really long-in-the-tooth. So it’s time for a revamp!

by Jim Semlyen 19 Jan 2012