Community Catalysts header image
An example of high end not for profit design visualised on a desktop device An example of high end not for profit design visualised on a mobile device An example of high end not for profit design visualised on a desktop device An example of high end not for profit design visualised on a mobile device An example of high end not for profit design visualised on a desktop device An example of high end not for profit design visualised on a mobile device An example of high end not for profit design visualised on a desktop device An example of high end not for profit design visualised on a mobile device An example of high end not for profit design visualised on a mobile device

Community Catalysts

Community Catalysts is a social enterprise in the health and social care sector that champions innovative approaches to care and supports people to start local micro-enterprises through its Small Good Stuff programme.

The challenge

Since Castlegate first partnered with Community Catalysts in 2011, the company had expanded into a network of five mission-aligned organisations. They needed a unified platform to consolidate five separate websites while preserving the unique identity of each brand. And, because they provide services in Wales, the website had to give equal weighting to Welsh and English.

The solution

We developed a multi-site WordPress installation that brings all five organisations together onto a single platform. Each organisation’s website pages offer equivalent functionality and we designed a universal navigation system that could be customised by each member brand.

To meet their dual-language requirements, we implemented on page translation using a combination of Neural Machine Translation and human editing, and put a multi-language consent management platform in place.

While the technical capabilities and core design principles are identical across the five mini-sites, each member organisation has retained its distinct branding, colours, and style.

The results

  • The new platform has introduced sitewide cohesion and streamlined user navigation.
  • The brand family now has a future-proofed online platform to support its continued growth and collaboration.
  • Community Catalysts have made significant financial savings with one consolidated platform, compared to running five separate websites.

We have had really good feedback from all sorts of people, including commissioners in our contracts referencing the Small Good Stuff directory

Jill Wighton, Director of Business Operations at Community Catalysts.


Get in touch and let’s discuss how we can help