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Castlegate IT unveil ambitious, multi-functional website for Community Catalysts

Community Catalysts, a social enterprise in the health and social care sector, has launched its new website, an accessible multi-site platform designed and built by York-based website developer Castlegate IT.

The two companies have been collaborating productively since 2011 when Castlegate IT designed Community Catalysts’ first website. Since then, Community Catalysts has expanded its offering and now comprise a family of five organisations that align with its mission of community building.

An example of high end not for profit design visualised on a desktop deviceAn example of high end not for profit design visualised on a desktop deviceAn example of high end not for profit design visualised on a desktop deviceAn example of high end not for profit design visualised on a desktop device

A cohesive look for five distinct organisations

The new website brings every organisation in the Community Catalysts family together onto a single platform for the first time. The design and functionality of the site preserves the distinct branding of each organisation but also allows them to benefit from the cohesive look and feel of the group.

The website’s intuitive navigation system, multi-language functionality, and consent management platform all combine to streamline service delivery, making it easier for users to access the care services that they need.

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All our Wordpress websites are secure

An ambitious multi-site WordPress installation

Community Catalysts are delighted with the finished website and feel that Castlegate IT have succeeded in creating uniformity across the site, while still allowing the uniqueness of each brand to shine, ultimately supporting their continued growth.

“We have had really good feedback from all sorts of people, including commissioners in our contracts referencing the Small Good Stuff directory,” said Jill Wighton, Director of Business Operations at Community Catalysts.

Jim Semlyen, Managing Director of Castlegate IT, added: “Our team used their experience as WordPress engineers to create a bespoke solution. We’re pleased to see the system supporting people who do such valuable work, making a positive difference to so many lives.”

The work of Community Catalysts

About Community Catalysts

Community Catalysts is a social enterprise that works in partnership to ensure people are part of strong, inclusive communities with real opportunities to connect, create, and contribute. They achieve this by supporting people to set up community micro-enterprises in their local areas; helping people to have choice and control over their support, and recognise their own skills, talents and resources; and encouraging innovative approaches to social care for both individuals and organisations.

jim semlyen managing director planning

About Castlegate IT

Castlegate IT is a leading web development and design agency based in York. They create high-quality, bespoke websites to support the success of a broad range of clients, from boutique businesses to household names. Castlegate IT’s team combines decades of experience with a friendly, personalised service to help every client achieve their unique goals.

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