New blog for Applied Web Analytics
Jamie is currently developing a blog for web analytics consultants Applied Web Analytics.
The blog is making use of many social networking and bookmarking tools – a toolbar below each blog entry offers buttons which will add the article to any of a variety of bookmarking sites, such as Digg, StumbleUpon or Technorati.
As well as these tools, it offers RSS feeds of blog posts and also blog post comments, with optional buttons which automatically subscribe in the viewer’s chosen reader – for example Feedly or Newsgator. Alternatively there’s the option to subscribe via email.
It also features syndication with Twitter, so that when a blog entry is posted, a connected Twitter account is also updated, and vice versa.
The blog’s entire functionality and structure is being built before any design or styling, as opposed to after the initial design, as is more usual. It’s not yet live – but I’ll post an update when it’s ready.